Frequently Ask Question
Q: I donot know you , how can we start business ?
A: You can try one or two items at beginning . The free sample is also accepted.
Q: How can I believe you ?
A: All of your payment will sent to our Galaxy Germany official bank account,we will send you stamped sales confirmation.
Q: How is guarantee ?
A: Half year guarantee ,except for regular replacement parts. We usually inform you when you start order .
Q: Does your price include transport fees freight ?
A: We firstly quote you price excluding transport freight (FOB), so ,please let us know your goods destination, then ,we can quote you the price with freight (CIF), for some country (US,South asia,ect), door to door service is available (DDP/DDU).
Q: What's your product origin ?
A: 70% is from China, some rubber parts is from Malaysia, some agent parts is Garmany and Japan . 20% is load from Hongkong.
Q: What's your packing ?
A: We have 2 packing design for you .(See "About us ") Your packing design is also welcomed ,we also have neutral packing (white box or drum).
Q: I can not find my request part no. in your website, why ?
A: We try our best to collect the part no., but , there are thousands type of car on world market , each car have ten thousands of parts , so , please send your part no. and your purchase quantity.
Q: Why do not have catalogue of all products ?
A: We usually issue the catalogue of frequently inquired products , that will not effect you to start business with us , you can send us your inquiry list include part No. and buying quantity.
The best way of contact is send us E-mail
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